We are a new and vibrant faith community living in and serving Greenwood, SC
and would love for you and your family to come spend the morning with us!



*No live stream currently available;
Gatherings will be re-broadcast later on Sundays


practicing the way

Jesus tells us in Mark 1:17 to “Come, Follow me.” Jesus invites us into community with him, but it’s so much more than that. It’s more than being buddies with Jesus or friends with Jesus, he invites us to follow him. To follow, to sit under his teaching, to learn and to grow at the feet of the rabbi from Nazareth. Jesus invites us to be spiritually formed by him, because the reality is that if we’re not being intentionally formed by Jesus, then we’re being unintentionally formed by someone or something else.

In this series, we will explore what it means to be formed by Jesus as we learn the practices of the Way of Jesus. Our goal is to move beyond “casual Christianity” to become apprentices of Jesus.

Join us Sunday mornings at 10am at Premiere Cinemas in Greenwood
*No Live-Stream available during this series

Who Are We?

Legacy City is primarily a people, not a place.

At Legacy City there is no religiosity, no pretension, and no empty ritual; only real people, asking real questions, worshiping the real God.

Whether you already follow Jesus or are seeking to know what that means, you can expect to receive a warm welcome and be treated as family.

We seek to serve our city well, reach the un-churched and de-churched, make an impact on the next generation, and be a place of love and hope for all. 

When and Where?

We are so excited to be gathering together each Sunday morning as a faith community for worship, prayer, and the Word at Premiere Cinemas. We also meet in homes and restaurants across the area in small groups called Missional Communities, and we would love to invite you to one of those when they are in semester.

Sunday Mornings  /  10am
Premiere Cinemas
533 Bypass Hwy 72, Greenwood, SC

Come as you are, kids are more than welcome in the gathering.

our mission

we are for god and his kingdom
we are for people and this city
