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Vision Sunday 2021

Pastor Robbie reflects on the year 2020 and lays out what we Desire to see in 2021!


The year of 2020 was anticipated to be a very different year than what we expected. I mean, if 20/20 vision is awesome, then why wouldn’t the year be, right? Well, unfortunately that was not the case - we have had an exceptional amount of turmoil this year, yet there are still many things that we should be thanking God for, in spite of the many difficulties we have been presented with.

Pastor Robbie sets us the previous year as somethin to properly mourn, while also praising and thanking God for all that we are able to; God is in control, ultimately, yet, this does not mean that the trauma and difficulty is lessened by this fact. Our plans for the year, as a church body and as individuals changed in light of the pandemic, however, God’s purposes still remain! He says, “Even when the immediate around us (the detour) feels like it's just a dead end and some people are there right now; it feels like work's a dead end, life's a dead end, job's a dead end, the back payments on rent are a dead end, you can't see how you're going to get out of this situation - but can I give you some encouragement church? That dead end might just be a detour TO God. He's got us on a journey and he's not finished yet. And sometimes it's hard to see in the moment, but if you just keep walking in faith and stay the course one day at a time, one step at a time, and keep trusting God and receiving his goodness in your life; he'll see you through it and you'll be able to look back and even make some sense out of it, even see the sovereignty of the Lord at work.”

With the turn of the New Year, as we move into a time of introspection and hope for the future, we also celebrate Legacy City Church’s Third Birthday! The word that we as a church first put forth in 2020 was ‘Advance’ - we desired to see God move in such a way that God’s Name in our community would Advance; we desired to to see the Gospel go forth and Advance the Kingdom. Even in light of all that happened this year, regardless of other statistics, the Kingdom of God has been impacted by our Church Body this year. Pastor Robbie laid this out quite plainly saying, “We have to remember the promises of God. What did he call us to do as a church? Reach the lost? - well, on March 22, the first real weekend of the pandemic, we pivoted to the Drive-In theater to have church and Fox Carolina broadcast our gospel message of hope to 200,000 people! See people come to know Christ? We live streamed our Good Friday gathering from a porch in Hodges, and people came to know Jesus over the live stream! We’re called to serve our community? We had the opportunity to deliver almost 100,000 meals to kids and families all over the county for District 50. Host a Sunday Gathering that leads people into worship and offers them the Hope of Jesus? Because of the pivot to the Drive In, we were able to continue meeting live and in-person throughout the whole pandemic, seeing hundreds of people from the community joining in during that time.”

While we may not have anticipated to have been able to adapt to such a unique situation as a global pandemic, God is faithful - the power and majesty of the Kingdom of God went forth nonetheless!

This past year has been incredibly stressful, stretching , and traumatizing for many of us, yet God has walked with us through it all. This coming year is equally as tense - the pandemic is not over, political strife hangs in the air, however, the Mission of laid out before us has not changed.

This upcoming week we will beginning a New Sermon Series called Kingdom Culture; We Believe that the Culture of the Kingdom must be the Kingdom of the Church. Discipleship is at the core of this culture - we are continually seeking to become more and more like Jesus, and this series will be diving into how we are going to be cultivating that in 2021!


  • Vision Sunday 2021 - What Occurred this past year was stressful and intense for so many of us, however, God has been with us through it all; His Kingdom has advanced nonetheless!

  • Given the fact that the Kingdom of God was advanced throughout this past year, we should not consider 2020 to be a waste of time and energy.

  • Adaptability in our lives is important to be able to minister effectively in whatever context we find ourselves; because of this, we were able to provide over 100,000 meals to children in the Greenwood Area!

  • Introspection is not limited to reflecting on ‘what was’ or ‘what was not’ in our past(s) - we must also look forward so that we are able to continue to honor God in our lives and ministries; our upcoming Sermon Series and our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting will allow us to do just that!

If this topic piques your interest or if you would enjoy listening to this sermon in more depth, check out our archived Live-streams here!

To keep up to date with Legacy City Church and everything that God is doing in our community, please follow us on social media:

Facebook: LegacyCityGWD
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Twitter: LegacyCityGWD

Join us next Sunday as we continue to meet at the Premiere Cinema 10 at 10 am! You can also join us on our Live-stream here or on our Facebook page - at the same time!

We hope that you and your family are well—know that You Are Loved!

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