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We planted Legacy City Church in 2017 because we saw a ton of need in Greenwood. From physical needs to spiritual needs, we live in a broken and hurting city that is desperate for the gospel. For the last 2 years, I've been doing my best to meet the needs of the community and pastor those that desire spiritual leadership, but to continue I need YOUR help.

So far, while pastoring Legacy City, I have been also holding down a freelance graphic design job and Jenn, my wife, has tried to help financially by baking tasty treats while also staying at home with the kids, managing our home, and leading the kid’s ministry at church. We have been blessed to have the opportunities to supplement our income in the ways that we have, but it’s been a long few years. After much soul searching and prayer, we feel that it's time to give ourselves to the work of this ministry full-time.

In order to effectively do this, while ministering to our main demographics (unchurched, college students, low income persons), we’re going to need YOUR help! While it is tough to let go of my graphic design business, we think this is the needed step to help take this ministry to the next level. This church has already been able to minister to least, the last, and the lost over these last two years. We're truly trying to go after the people that Jesus would if he were physically living in Greenwood today. And we would invite you to minister alongside us by supporting this pastoral ministry with a gift of any amount.

We are reaching out primarily to people that do not attend Legacy City, as many of them are already giving faithfully to support the ministry as a whole. This would be a gift that is designated for pastoral support, and is meant to be only for the next year or two until Legacy City is ready to fully support our family. A one time gift is amazing and helpful, but we are seeking a handful of people that would partner with us long term with a monthly gift. As you know from experience with your own budgets, being able to know how much is money is coming in on a monthly basis makes a huge difference in financial planning. Any amount could make an incredible difference. These gifts will be tax deductible. On behalf of Levi, Naomi, Ainsley, Jenn, and myself - thank you, thank you, thank you!

- Robbie Earle, pastor, Legacy City Church

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the story


In 2015, God started to plant a seed in my heart to transition my ministry to focus on church planting. In 2016, He watered that seed and it became a full-blown dream that God began speaking life and vision into. In 2017, we stepped out in faith and began to pursue God’s calling with all that we had and Legacy City Church was born.

What began as a dream and a prayer was fleshed out when 6 people initially met in my loving room to talk about the possibility of a new life-giving church in the Greenwood, SC area. We spoke about fears and worries; and we talked about lofty goals and hopes. Most of all, we prayed for God’s guidance and favor as we stepped into this mission. He responded with an abundance of both.

In May 2017, we had our first open Launch Team worship and prayer gathering in the upper room at my home on a Sunday night. There were 19 interested and excited (and maybe somewhat curious) souls there. We sang and prayed and sang some more. We met like that for another few months until the Launch Team grew to about 30-35 people, before transitioning to another home and moving to Sunday mornings. It was beginning to feel like Church!

By November 2017, we were seeing 70+ men, women, and children attending Legacy City on Sunday mornings…IN A HOUSE! As fun as that was, we knew that it wasn’t sustainable and began searching for a new place to worship and planned to officially launch Legacy City Church in the local movie theater on December 31, 2017. It was a wild whirlwind leading up to Launch Day! We didn’t get the funding we had hoped for, but God gave us exactly what we needed. He was faithful throughout the whole process and affirmed us at every turn.

We officially launched with 120+ on hand on New Year’s Eve 2017; a new year, a new church, a new beginning. Since then, we have seen dozens of salvations, baptisms, and calls to ministry. We have been able to log thousands of man hours serving our city. We have hosted over 17 Missional Communites (small groups) in homes, restaurants, and coffee shops across the region. It has been an incredible journey of faith, and the best is yet to come!


the vision


Legacy City Church is: For God and His Kingdom, For People and This City.

God has called Legacy City Church to reach and impact this community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are praying for renewal and revival in this community. We are seeking to reach the "unchurched" and the "dechurched;" people that are not involved in a faith community at all or have left church or are disillusioned with church. We are called to serve and impact those that live in poverty - not just meeting physical needs, but also spiritual needs. We are seeking to raise up the next generation, empower and equip them to lead.

When we first began the church, people asked us “Why Greenwood"?” That’s a fair question, and I cannot stress enough how much it was GOD who led us to continue our ministry in Greenwood. We knew church planting was where God was taking our family, but staying in Greenwood was a bit of a shock to us too! However, we love this city, we love these people, and there are so many reasons to minister here! For instance, the poverty rate in Greenwood is currently estimated at over 40%. That means that more than 1 out of every 3 people you meet is living below the poverty line. Greenwood School District 50 is reporting 82% poverty within the district. We believe that we are to care for the less fortunate and the marginalized. See Matthew 25:31-46.

It is estimated that there are upwards of 600+ homeless men, women, and children in Greenwood. We want to partner with the local shelter to reach more of people, meeting both their physical needs with food and shelter, but also their spiritual need by sharing with them the love of Christ.

Across four college campuses in the Lakelands area, there are nearly 11,000 students that need to be loved and heard. This generation is coming out of high school and entering college and the work force in probably the most confusing and difficult time to do so in the history of our nation. The Church needs to be investing into the next generation with priority and vigor, because any church that does not value the next generation is dying.

Greenwood County has grown to nearly 73,000 by the latest reports. Estimates show that at least 35,000+ do not claim a church home, and another 10,000+ that do claim a church home do not actually attend more than once or twice year. Even if every church in Greenwood were running multiple services at full capacity, they still couldn't make a dent in that number. Greenwood is a deeply religious city, but not necessarily a Christian city. We planted Legacy City Church to reach the un-churched and the de-churched. We have a heart to see a revival in this city, with more and more people being added to the Kingdom daily. We have a heart to reach the hundreds and thousands that have become disillusioned with church, hurt by the church, or burnt out by church.

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the ask


We want to change this city and this generation through Legacy City Church and reaching into the neighborhoods around us, and we want you to partner with us by giving a gift of any amount. One of the most helpful ways people can give is by choosing a monthly gift. We understand that sometimes it's hard to know which ministries are trustworthy of support, so we want to be an open book. We offer transparency, testimonies, (and maybe even a T-shirt from time to time).

Let's connect. If you have any other thoughts or questions that come up, reach out to me via email ( or you can connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. To learn more about Legacy City Church, visit