Q & A

What is the Gospel?

Simply put, it means good news. We've dedicated a page on our website to sharing this good news. Check it out: The Gospel


Why does Greenwood need another church?

The answer all depends on what you mean by church. If by church you mean a church building, then the answer to the question is: Greenwood doesn't need another church. Greenwood has a lot of beautiful historic church buildings. If by church you mean a community of people who love Jesus and love the city, then the answer to that question changes. Greenwood is a growing city, uniquely situated between Greenville, Columbia, and Augusta with a strong economy and growing population that needs more churches to provide a clear and compelling witness to the real Jesus to make disciples who make disciples.


What does it mean to "plant a church?"

To plant a church is to begin a community of believers in a particular context. For us, this means gathering believers in Greenwood and Abbeville Counties who are excited about living out the gospel in the everyday stuff of life and seeking to spread the gospel among those who have not yet believed in Christ. Our hope is that this will result in a flourishing local church, centered on Christ, and motivated by the good news to love one another and continue to make disciples in Greenwood and beyond.


Do you have small groups?

In short, yes! Our smaller gatherings are called "Missional Communities" and, as the name suggests, they will include a missional component in addition to the general discipleship and mutual care that comes from typical church small groups. The groups will take place over three semesters during the year, with 5-6 weeks breaks in between each. Check out the Misisonal Community page for for more info and to find a community to get involved with.


What does a typical Sunday gathering look like?

We meet in a movie theater, so think about how awesome the theater is when you go see a movie! During a Sunday gathering, we typically have a time of worship through music, a dedicated time of prayer, and we spend some time in the Word together. Although we have a plan each week, we are committed to allowing the Holy Spirit to guide these times. There's no weird stuff, just people gathering together to grow spiritually, make friends, and serve one another. The babies, toddlers, and elementary age kids have their own areas to go play, sing, and learn as well.


Do I have to live in Greenwood to be involved?

We love Greenwood and are committed to this community. However, you don't have to live in Greenwood to be involved! We love the surrounding communities of Abbeville, 96, Ware Shoals, Due West, Clinton, McCormick, Bradley - and beyond! If you are willing to drive, you are more than welcome to be a part of what God is doing here at Legacy City!


Do you welcome everyone?

We desire to form true and lasting friendships with all our neighbors in Greenwood and we invite people of all backgrounds and stories to come and experience the love of Jesus among His followers. People of any age, race, gender, or socioeconomic background are welcome here. Legacy City strives to be inclusive, not exclusive.